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We brought 2023 SUMMER JAZZ WORKSHOP, a partnership with Cuesta College and Community Programs, to bring College Level and Professional Instruction to ages 13+ for a Summer Experience that was incredible! SPECIAL GUESTS included : THOMAS BLUMBERG QUARTET, INGA SWEARINGEN, AND MIRO SPRAGUE!!!
Bringing back the jazz festival in 2024 will be costly and a significant endeavor.
Please consider making a 1-time or regular DONATION today. Thank you for keeping the jazz alive! IN OTHER NEWS, THE SLO JAZZ FESTIVAL NEW DATE IS in application status for 2025. We aim to bring the festival back as a 3-day festival, funding permitted.DONATE NOW: supporting live jazz matters - please donate to help us THRIVE! You can create a monthly donation (Yay!) or single time donation (cool!).
JAZZ was challenged in 2020 - 2024!
2020 - 2024 marked a trying time for jazz musicians, clubs, and festivals. Being among the first-hit, and worst-hit businesses, we know how much help is needed, and in the spirit of Louis Armstrong, we are asking you to do what "pops" would have done - give... SLO Jazz Festival and the jazz musicians of SLO County are no different. We persist because JAZZ music, and all the related music such as Hip hop, R & B, Blues, Funk, Smooth, Latin Jazz, Bossa Nova, Cumbia, Plena, Bachata, Son, Mambo, Merengue, Reggaeton, Reggae, all can tie into and out of New Orleans and the culture of this AMAZING MUSIC. It touches every single one of us deep in our soul and truly, I can tell you, MUSIC HEALS. We need music now more than ever. And we are seeing a HIGH DEMAND for JAZZ! Isn't that great news? WE ALSO SET A NEW DATE FOR the return of SLO JAZZ FESTIVAL events: The 5th Annual SLO Jazz Festival is in application status for September 27-29, 2024 Location: Mission Plaza Stages: at least 3, possibly as many as 7 New Feature: LIVE STREAMING SUMMER JAZZ WORKSHOP at Cuesta College July 10-14, 2024 will be offered in February at Cuesta Community Programs and SLO Jazz Festival websites. We hope to expand the workshop with new special instructors and include scholarships for more students from the Country and Central Coast this year. Our Budget Objective will help us bring in amazing guest instructors and provide more scholarships for the youth. OUR MISSION: Celebrating life & nurturing the human spirit through jazz related education and music, one event at a time. We have a lot of money to raise, and every contribution gets us closer to these goals. You know how much magic we've created for San Luis Obispo (and surrounding cities) with the beautiful jazz festival. And students emerge wiser musicians - many majoring in music and several becoming leaders of their own jazz combo, production studio, and jazz jam! Every $250 helps provide a scholarship to a deserving student to the Summer Jazz Workshop. Every $1,000 is roughly 1/200 of the goal for the jazz festival. It may seem like a small amount, but each of these checks has ALWAYS mattered in a HUGE WAY for us. Whether a check is for $10, $100, $1000, $10,000, $100,000, or $1,000,000 - they ALL matter. If everyone who reads this page clicks DONATE and gives even $10 - we raise towards the goal. If each person donates AND forwards an email to their friends, adding "please match my donation" can you imagine the impact? It would be phenomenal and amazing. So, please consider this special time of year for that final year-end donation and make a difference. We thank you so much and wish you a Happy New Year! Scott Andrews, Executive Director SLO Jazz Festival Please consider making a charitable year-end donation to SLO Jazz Festival. Every gift received before 12 Midnight PST December 31, 2021 counts towards 2021, and donations to SLO Jazz Festival qualify under the IRS 501(c)3 tax regulations. Mail your donation by check to: SLO Jazz Festival, c/o Scott Andrews 1505 Huckleberry Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Make an online donation here: |
We have openings now for 2025 SLO JAZZ FESTIVAL SPONSORSHIP and MEMBERSHIP SEASON is here. Ask us about LIVE STREAMING from YOUR company website (new!). Help jazz thrive on the Central Coast and support the SLO Jazz Festival and the Summer Jazz Workshop - every donation, sponsorship, and membership matters!
Photo Gallery from Jazz Fest Events:
Other News:
SPONSOR OUR 2025 SEASON: 2025 SLO Jazz Festival Sponsorship, Membership and 2025 SLO Jazz Festival Summer Jazz Workshop Sponsorships are OPEN NOW! Contact US for Details:
Sponsorships are available for 2025 SLO Jazz Festival and 2025 Summer Jazz Workshop
Contact Scott Andrews at (805) 459-6939 for details or to have the sponsor presentation sent to you.
Contact Scott Andrews at (805) 459-6939 for details or to have the sponsor presentation sent to you.
Be a Member and Make a DIFFERENCE!
To become an INNER CIRCLE MEMBER, contact Scott at (805) 459-6939. Inner Circle Members are automatically VIP to ALL SLO Jazz Festival events and also have a special concert just for this inner circle of core members who support our organization.
Become involved:
Be a Member and Make a DIFFERENCE!
To become an INNER CIRCLE MEMBER, contact Scott at (805) 459-6939. Inner Circle Members are automatically VIP to ALL SLO Jazz Festival events and also have a special concert just for this inner circle of core members who support our organization.
Become involved:
We have added an opportunity for you to leave SLO Jazz Festival with an ENDOWMENT. This is vital to our sustainability to build more stages, student scholarships, and more. Contact us for details at 805-459-6939.